Praise for EYES ON TRACK™
"Changing struggling students’ lives…
Eyes On Track; Ages 4 – Adult is a user-friendly guide designed for teachers, parents, and anyone who has the privilege of working with children in a learning context.
Teachers, child study teams, and administrators are overloaded with responsibilities. Their first reaction, when new ideas and methods are introduced, is to run and pull the covers over their heads. "No more", they are thinking. "I could not possibly add more to my day."
The last chapter of the book is comprised of bits of wisdom that break this eye tracking practice down into manageable small bites. Making this doable is key, and the time spent launching this innovative approach will be a worthwhile investment that will yield unprecedented results with improved reading, and change lives.
This innovative new book offers “practices” that will be useful to older students and adults as well, who perhaps struggle with the effects of untreated visual deficits that went unrecognized in their childhood, or they are dealing with stress on the visual system that is a result of screen-heavy behaviors and practices.
An awesome book-Valuable to ALL teachers and parents."
Wendy Beth Rosen
Author of “The Hidden Link Between Vision and Learning: Why Millions of Children who are Learning-Disabled are Misdiagnosed
“Once my son developed improved eye tracking and vision processing skills, he performed SO much better in school and his self-esteem improved dramatically. He is a different person now; it changed his world!!!”
Diane Sandoval, Parent
“As a teacher, I have seen tremendous results in my students from improved vision skills; it is exciting to have Eyes on Track activities to use in my classroom.”
Alan Johnson, 3rd Grade Teacher
“Near vision skills are a ‘missing link’ in our knowledge of understanding how students learn and I am thrilled that the Eyes on Track ™ system can be used in the classroom.”
Pat Wyman, M.A. Author, “Amazing Grades,” New Discoveries in Learning

“The issues of poor eye tracking and visual processing skills are arguably the most misunderstood and overlooked factors related to successful reading development in children and adults. I know this from a professional, as well as a personal perspective. Early detection and prevention continue to be the best ways to address this issue. I have long awaited a book of this nature that professionals, as well as parents, can use to understand the nature of near vision problems and their effect on learning. This book, Eyes on Track ™, goes even further in that it provides therapeutic techniques to be used in the classroom. Now, when students are experiencing visually-related learning difficulties, educators and parents can go beyond the issue of visual acuity and provide remedial activities to improve poor eye tracking and visual processing skills. Thank you, Dr. Remick. Your book will provide important information for so many!“
Wayne Padover, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools Robla School District, Sacramento, CA
I recommend Eyes on Track ™ for all professionals and parents working with children who are academically challenged. This book offers interventions for students who have their own style of learning.”
Tamar Wishnatzsky, Ed.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Educator
“There is nothing more challenging and perplexing in this country than successfully educating our children. Vision Skills are the “Superman” that education is looking for to solve the literacy epidemic. It is for this reason that Eyes on Track ™ is critical for education. By teaching all students the skills that gifted students use, educators have a better chance of creating better learners.”
Eldon Rosenow, OD, FCOVD Founder, Great Valley Academy Charter schools
Eyes on Track ™ is a ‘missing piece of the puzzle’ for SO many struggling students. As a part-time teacher on the Big Island of Hawaii, after having taught in Texas, Nevada, Hawaii and California, I am consistently identifying students with eye tracking and vision processing problems--resulting in significant interference in their learning/grade advancement. While working specifically with students ages 5-7, I am energized that the new Eyes on Track ™ has activities for this important group level...ensuring a successful start in their academic career!